
Showing posts from June, 2020

Sorry, Unconscious Bias is Not The Answer to Everything

Lately I've noticed a large number of politicians, organizations and people in general use the term unconscious bias in order to explain a lot of the issues currently occurring in society.   Since I hold a degree in Psychology, and have spent numerous hours exploring eastern philosophy, along with researching the theories of the conscious and unconscious mind.  I feel like I have a better grasp on the concept than most.   As with most things, when they become politicized or are used for a certain purpose that they turn into something they are not.  Currently, unconscious or implicit bias is being used as a catch all for human behaviour and thinking.  I'm here to tell you that this stance is inaccurate, ignorant and intellectually dishonest.   First and foremost; as with most things that fall under the psychological umbrella.  Implicit bias is a theory.  As is almost everything in psychology.  The concept is being touted as a sc...

Individualism, Collectivism and Nazi Prison Guards

With all that current situations occurring in western society and throughout the world, it's interesting to see how human history repeats itself.  Most of the issues and topics today are recycled ideas that have been repurposed to fit modern day narratives. This has got me thinking a lot about Nazi Germany and how the same tactics, views and narratives helped to drive regular people to complete horrendous crimes against each other. Think I'm being dramatic, excessive or extreme?  Try thinking of it this way. First, lets start with the concept of Individualism.   Individualism is the theory that favours the freedom of action of the individual over the collective or state.  A person favours there own individuality and freedom over that of the society, country or state in which they reside.  They are more individually driven and tend to focus on issues that directly affect them. In contrast to this is Collectivism. Collectivism is a value characterized by the ...