Sorry, Unconscious Bias is Not The Answer to Everything
Lately I've noticed a large number of politicians, organizations and people in general use the term unconscious bias in order to explain a lot of the issues currently occurring in society. Since I hold a degree in Psychology, and have spent numerous hours exploring eastern philosophy, along with researching the theories of the conscious and unconscious mind. I feel like I have a better grasp on the concept than most. As with most things, when they become politicized or are used for a certain purpose that they turn into something they are not. Currently, unconscious or implicit bias is being used as a catch all for human behaviour and thinking. I'm here to tell you that this stance is inaccurate, ignorant and intellectually dishonest. First and foremost; as with most things that fall under the psychological umbrella. Implicit bias is a theory. As is almost everything in psychology. The concept is being touted as a sc...