
Showing posts from April, 2020

Do You Ever Contemplate Death?

I know what you're thinking, what kind of dark, suicidal article is this?  I promise you it's not.  I'm here to tell you that there is a difference between contemplating death.  Which can have a positive impact, and contemplating suicide.  Which you most definitely need to seek help with. Suicidal thoughts are very serious and if you're having thoughts of self harm, please reach out for support. Okay, now with that said, I want to talk about the necessity of contemplating death in ones own life.  I think the public view on death is that it is something to fear and only think about when you're about to meet your maker.  You see this in life as the overwhelming majority of people suffer immensely with everyday anxieties and stresses.  People walking around worrying about things, that if they really thought about it, don't matter. Have you ever taken a moment to consider if in the grand scheme of things, if your anxieties and stresses really mat...

Become Your Own Hero

I've always had an interest in the mental aspect of the human experience.  This led me to pursing an undergraduate degree in psychology and has also the reason why I've spent numerous hours reading and researching the topics of psychology and philosophy.  While I don't consider myself an expert on the topics.  I believe I have an above average grasp on the subject matter.  This grasp has led to numerous changes to my overall approach to life.  Earlier in life, I like most people that didn't put much thought into the pursuit of a meaningful existence.  I was focused on the more superficial aspects of life such as career, money, status and climbing the corporate ladder.  While there isn't anything inherently bad about these things.  I always found that there was always something missing in these pursuits.  If I ever achieved a goal, it always felt meaningless and never really had the intended impact.  This was interesting to me bec...