Do You Ever Contemplate Death?

I know what you're thinking, what kind of dark, suicidal article is this?  I promise you it's not.  I'm here to tell you that there is a difference between contemplating death.  Which can have a positive impact, and contemplating suicide.  Which you most definitely need to seek help with.

Suicidal thoughts are very serious and if you're having thoughts of self harm, please reach out for support.

Okay, now with that said, I want to talk about the necessity of contemplating death in ones own life.  I think the public view on death is that it is something to fear and only think about when you're about to meet your maker.  You see this in life as the overwhelming majority of people suffer immensely with everyday anxieties and stresses.  People walking around worrying about things, that if they really thought about it, don't matter.

Have you ever taken a moment to consider if in the grand scheme of things, if your anxieties and stresses really matter?  Have you ever sat down and thought that if you went to bed tonight and were never to re-awake, should the things that cause you great angst really bother you?

I believe that for most people the answer to the above questions is "No."

If the answer was "Yes" then realistically, your daily bullshit wouldn't be stresses or anxieties in your life.

Contemplating death helps you gain perspective.  Does worrying about a potential future outcome really matter if that future may not exist?  Is getting upset at your spouse about the lights being left on really something you want to put your energy into?  Does any of this petty, stupid shit even matter in relation to death?

Now if you're thinking, "If I'm going to die anyway, then nothing really matters.  Isn't that a super nihilistic outlook on life?"  The answer is, "That's not what I'm saying."

In this sense I would argue the opposite.  Since you are provided one life on this physical earth (we can argue the existence of an afterlife at another time), doesn't it make more sense to ensure that you're putting your energy, stresses, and time into things that matter?  or would you continue to get bogged down by all these small inconveniences?

Contemplating death can give you a certain sense of calm.  Things are not permanent and we should be focused on things that are really important to us.  The things that bring the most value and purpose to individual existence.  Not the everyday bullshit that isn't worth your time.

What I'm saying is this. If you're finding that you are constantly dwelling, stressing, agonizing or ruminating on every little inconvenient situation that comes into your life, maybe it's time to shift your perspective on the importance of these things.  Maybe it's time to shift your focus away from the unimportant and refocus on the things that in comparison to death are actually important.  In doing this, I'm sure you'll notice that most all things aren't worth the effort you're putting into them.

So I'll ask again.  Do you ever contemplate death?


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