Breathing is Difficult

The Wim Hof Method, "is a simple, yet powerful method based on the foundation of three pillars; breathing, cold therapy and commitment. It's the combination of these that makes the Wim Hof Method uniquely powerful."

Essentially, The Wim Hof method includes a specific type of focused breathing and cold exposure through ice showers or ice baths.  Over the past number of years, there has been some significant research completed which focused on the effectiveness and validity of this method.  While historically, it has been considered just another type of new aged spirituality bullshit.  This research now indicates the numerous scientific benefits of the method.  I've linked the website below for your exploration.

As part of my focus on developing intuitive and mindful practices.  I have been experimenting daily with the Wim Hof Method over the past 7 months.  While there are numerous touted benefits from the research, here is what I've learned through my experience:

1) Proper breathing is difficult:  While this method uses a type of breathing that is not natural to anyone.  It highlights how poorly the majority of us breathe.  I highly recommend anyone who has issues with stress and anxiety learn focused breathing.  For myself, learning to take deep breathes in a focused manner has given me more control over my internal experiences along with the ability to maintain emotional stability when faced with stressors.

2) Cold is all in your mind: Now I know what you're thinking.  Isn't this a David Goggins quote? and yes it is and it's also true.  Your body can take an extreme amount of stress and strain.  It's your soft, cushy, conditioned mind and feelings that you need to overcome, not your body.  I've learned that I can spend a significant amount of time in the cold and be just fine.  In fact, I feel and perform much better because of it.  Standing in a cold shower for 3 minutes or taking a cold bath for 5-10 minutes gives me the opportunity to build both physical and mental resiliency.  It provides an opportunity to implement the practices and skills that I work on.  It's one thing to be proficient in ideal circumstances.  It's another to be able to implement those skills when a situation is less than ideal. 

3) Stay calm, soldier on:  Part of the method is to complete the breathing practice and then follow it with a breathe hold.  I am at the point where I'm able to hold my breathe for upwards of 3 minutes.  What I've learned is that the longer I am able to maintain a calm mindset and not panic about not breathing, the easier it is to hold my breathe for longer periods of time.  As soon as I allow the alarm bells to go off in my mind, my ability to hold my breathe significantly decreases.  This is a great practice for life.  If you have an inability to maintain your internal calm, you will be overly susceptible to overreaction, even in the face of non-stressful situations.

4)  Some things need to be experienced to be understood: I could sit here and explain the feeling of calm, the revitalized feeling in my body, my increased cardio capacity or my increased feeling of wellness from using the method.  I could explain how the tingling and cold feeling throughout my body while completing a breathe hold has amazing mindfulness properties.  I could really articulate how the method has increased my resiliency and adaptation to external forces.  If I did this though, would you really get it?  I think the answer is no.  Some things needs to be experienced in order to truly be understood.  Most of the shit I've undertaken lately, when discussed, seems crazy or stupid.  Yet, once it's put into practice it makes complete sense. 

5) Control your mind, control your life:  One of the main principles of the method is to maintain a sense of calm while completing both the breathing and the cold exposure.  I've learned that everything starts and ends in the mind.  If you tell yourself that something is shitty or scary, your body manifests that thought into your external experience.  If you allow negative, pessimistic or defeating thoughts and feelings to occupy your inner space, this is how you will experience the world.  In contrast, if you can maintain a calm, mindful and relaxed internal space.  Ultimately, your external world follows suit.  Everything is in the mind.  If you're searching for control in your life, start with your mind.

Overall, the Wim Hof Method has brought numerous benefits into my life.  It's exciting to see that these benefits are now being recognized through scientific research.  I do believe that anyone who engages in the practice will experience these benefits.  However, don't take my word for it.  Try it for yourself!


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