
2020: The Year of Lessons

As the year 2020 quickly comes to a close, I am provided an opportunity to reflect on the lessons I personally learned from the year.  Every year, situation or moment offers the chance to learn a lesson.  Since 2020 hasn't been the most ideal year, it has offered a distinct set of lessons that, were it any regular year, I would have never been able to uncover.  Upon this reflection, I have found these to be the most significant lessons learned from 2020: 1) Gratitude- First and foremost I learned how fortunate I am.  I, unlike numerous people, have still been able to work and provide for my family.  I understand that this isn't the case for all people so I feel sincere gratitude that I have been less affected by government intervention than most.  2020 has taught me to be thankful for the things I have in my life. 2) Self Exploration- While developing the self is not something new for me. This year brought new levels of self exploration and acceptance....

A Society That Believes In Nothing

This isn't my call for people to run out and join the first religious sect that they can find.  That's not what I advocating.  There are numerous ways in which a person can develop a set of beliefs.  However, I encourage all people to sit down and think about what they truly believe as an individual.  When you turn inwardly, what are the core values that you use to navigate your life?  What are the things that you rely on no matter what?  Keep in mind that this is deeper than some superficial bullshit that you were told was good thing. Instead, what exactly as a human do you believe in?   Lately I've been able to make two very clear observations about most people in modern society. 1) Most people intrinsically believe in nothing and 2) Those people that say they believe in something don't actually believe in it as their actions usually contradict the thing they say they believe in.   Studies indicate that people who believe in something;...

Breathing is Difficult

The Wim Hof Method, "is a simple, yet powerful method based on the foundation of three pillars; breathing, cold therapy and commitment. It's the combination of these that makes the Wim Hof Method uniquely powerful." Essentially, The Wim Hof method includes a specific type of focused breathing and cold exposure through ice showers or ice baths.  Over the past number of years, there has been some significant research completed which focused on the effectiveness and validity of this method.  While historically, it has been considered just another type of new aged spirituality bullshit.  This research now indicates the numerous scientific benefits of the method.  I've linked the website below for your exploration. As part of my focus on developing intuitive and mindful practices.  I have been experimenting daily with the Wim Hof Method over the past 7 months.  While there are numerous touted benefits from the research, here is what I've learned through my exper...

The Communist Manifesto: A Review

Over the past months there has been a significant amount of discussion on the topic of Communism.  While I understand the general principles and definitions of the topic, I am curious to understand the allure and draw that Communism currently has.  The last poll I read stated that 36% of Millennials embrace Communism, while 70% of Millennials would vote Socialist.  This is a bit baffling since Communism has been the cause of over 150 million human deaths throughout history.  It's curious then why more and more people are drawn to this philosophy.  If you didn't already know, Communism is based on the philosophy of Karl Marx.  The document that is the foundation of this movement is titled, The Communist Manifesto.  I took some time to read and analyze the document in order to provide my take on his philosophy.   I will caveat this to say that in no way am I a Marxist, nor do I believe that people should willingly give the government more contr...

The Things I Have Lost

I've never really been an openly emotional person.  Throughout the majority of my life I have been able to logically and rationally work through problems without having them really affect me emotionally.  While I've found this to be a very useful tool in my life, it doesn't mean that I don't have emotions that occur.  No, I'm not a psychopath. At times, I still have reactions to situations that either don't make sense in that given situation, or is the same reaction that I've had throughout my life.  Being quite a deep thinker, along with my background in psychology and my interest in philosophy, I began to explore practices that allowed me to connect with my emotional side on a different level.   Enter meditation.  Just over two years ago I made a commitment to incorporate meditation into my daily routine.  I made and achieved a goal of meditating for a minimum of 15 minutes every day for a year.  Since starting this it has become a solid pa...

Beyond Good and Evil

I recently finished reading Friedrich Nietzsche's book "Beyond Good and Evil."  For anyone wanting to take a stroll down philosophy lane, I would suggest not starting with this one.  While it is a very difficult read, the version I had was 115 pages and took me a month to read, it amazes me that a book published in 1900 has so much applicability to modern society.  It is fitting that he tag lined the book as the "Prelude to the Philosophy of the Future."  It's remarkable how he was able to draw ideas from society and discuss how societal norms and ways of thinking needed to be criticized and individuals needed to begin looking at the world from a different perspective.  I will attempt to provide some of the main points of the book that are completely relevant and accurate in today's world. Nietzsche discussed that in every society, it is the viewpoints of the ruling class that ultimately shapes the views of that society.  In part one of the book he state...

Sorry, Unconscious Bias is Not The Answer to Everything

Lately I've noticed a large number of politicians, organizations and people in general use the term unconscious bias in order to explain a lot of the issues currently occurring in society.   Since I hold a degree in Psychology, and have spent numerous hours exploring eastern philosophy, along with researching the theories of the conscious and unconscious mind.  I feel like I have a better grasp on the concept than most.   As with most things, when they become politicized or are used for a certain purpose that they turn into something they are not.  Currently, unconscious or implicit bias is being used as a catch all for human behaviour and thinking.  I'm here to tell you that this stance is inaccurate, ignorant and intellectually dishonest.   First and foremost; as with most things that fall under the psychological umbrella.  Implicit bias is a theory.  As is almost everything in psychology.  The concept is being touted as a sc...