Self Care or Avoidance?
The definition of self care states: "an activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it's a simple concept in theory, it's something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety."
Just like the majority of important concepts in today's society, the definition of self care has been reduced to the superficial pleasure seeking that most people chase.
As the definition drifts further from it's true meaning the results will in fact lead people in the direction of the things that they are trying to correct.
Due to this I ask you, "Has self care become the new way of avoiding actually taking care of oneself?
Experts agree that the endless chasing of pleasure actually reduces happiness and increases the incidence of anxiety and depression in people. In addition, some activities to avoid when dealing with these mental illnesses is the over-consumption of alcohol and overspending money. These activities can lead to further anxiety, depression and stress. Why then do most self care activities today consist of endless amounts of alcohol use and spending money?
When did the standard for self care become girls nights, man caves and shopping sprees? I would suggest that these things, while pleasurable and will make a person feel better for a short period of time, do not actually lead to the betterment of the self and do not align with the definition of self care. Instead, these activities promote avoidance of the actual problems in ones life that the person wants a brief reprieve from. This is not self care. This is self avoidance.
Self care involves taking a look at the deep levels of what is affecting you and developing the skills necessary in order to better deal with your current situation. It is about understanding yourself, how you operate and what you need in order to become the person that does not need to avoid a situation in order to deal with it.
While I recognize the importance of reprieve and having enjoyable activities in your life, people need to stop calling this self care. While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with pub nights with the boys or getting your nails done with your girlfriends, don't think this is actually solving your problems.
If you are truly looking at ways to take care or yourself please explore activities such as meditation, yoga, working out, healthy eating, hiking in nature, reading and getting an appropriate amount of sleep. These activities will lead to a betterment of the self and will actually address the problems that self care has intended. If your self care routine does not include any of these activities, you are just participating in voluntary avoidance.
Love it.
ReplyDeleteSelf-care is consistently one of the most important concepts I discuss with clients. As you write about, people tend to confuse indulgence and self-care.
"meditation, yoga, working out, healthy eating, hiking in nature, reading and getting an appropriate amount of sleep" = wonderful examples of self-care.